Capacity Strengthening in Project Cycle Management and Learning through Monitoring Evaluation and Accountability
Capacity Strengthening in Project Cycle Management and Learning through Monitoring Evaluation and Accountability   “This training aims to answer the needs that we need. We hope that in this IDEAKSI ...
Conservation of the Baros Mangrove Forest as a Natural Protective Fortress for the Residents of the South Coast of Yogyakarta
"Mangroves are very important for local residents, because they act as forts or wave barriers and prevent abrasion," said Wawan Widya from Keluarga Pemuda Pemudi Baros (KP2B) / Baros Youth Family.   ...
Early learnings from community-led humanitarian innovation partnerships, through an anti-racist lens
CLIP “Community Led Innovation Partnership” - is a partnership effort to deliver community-based innovation. CLIP aims to increase accessibility, accountability, and inclusiveness for the most at-risk...
Mangrove Planting in Baros Beach by CLIP IDEAKSI YEU and Keluarga Pemuda Pemudi Baros
Thursday (2/6/2022) YAKKUM Emergency Unit (YEU) and Keluarga Pemuda Pemudi Baros (KP2 Baros) symbolically planted Mangrove seedlings at Baros Beach, Padukuhan Baros, Tirtohargo Village, Kapanewon Kret...